Settings allows you to make global changes to your Dev Portal.
This is the name that you will see in your list of Dev Portals in Konnect.
Display Name
This is utilized for SEO in the Portal and sets what users will see in the browser for the home
/ /
Page, appended to the front matter title.
Home Page title format
<title>{front matter title} | {display_name}</title>
Home Page title example
Assuming the home
/ /
page has the following front matter
title: Welcome to KongAir
description: Start building and innovating with our APIs
Assuming Dev Portal Settings has the Display Name set to “Developer Portal”, the browser would display:
Welcome to KongAir | Developer Portal
This description is only displayed in the Konnect, and will not be delivered to users browsing the portal.
To affect meta description/tags in Pages, refer to Pages docs
Custom Domains
Learn more about configuring Custom Domains