Kong Konnect Updates
The updates contained in this topic apply to Kong Konnect, an application that lets you manage configuration for multiple runtimes from a single, cloud-based control plane, and provides a catalog of all deployed services. Try it today!
March 2025
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
- Konnect users can now filter API requests by any attribute, including HTTP verb, IP, path, and more.
- The API request slideout window now allows users to add filters directly by clicking on displayed metadata items.
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
- You can now delete the default control plane
- In Kong Konnect, it is now possible to delete the default control plane.
- SAML Login support
- Konnect now supports SAML authentication protocol for logging in. SAML is an open standard that allows Konnect to delegate authentication to an identity provider (IdP). You can choose between OIDC or SAML protocols while setting up Single Sign On for your organization.
- General Availability of API Requests
- Announcing the general availability of API Requests. API Requests provide detailed records for the requests that are made to your APIs. This information can not only help you understand your consumers better, but also simplifies any initial investigation into errors or performance issues by providing an intuitive web experience that is fully integrated into the rest of your Konnect organization.
July 2024
- New refresh button in Advanced Analytics
- We’ve introduced a refresh button on selected analytics pages such as API Requests and Explorer, allowing users to view updated data without triggering a full site reload. This feature also preserves applied filters and provides a more seamless user experience.
- Dedicated Cloud Gateways on Azure
You can now run Dedicated Cloud Gateways on Azure in the following regions: Frankfurt, Ireland, UK South, Virginia, and Washington.
You can select Azure from the list of cloud providers when configuring your cluster.
- Multi-portal
- Konnect now supports multiple Dev Portals. Users can create multiple Dev Portals with the same functionality to better segment their customers, brands, and API product experiences. For more information, see Create Dev Portal.
- Manage control plane analytics data ingestion
- You can now opt-out from Analytics data ingestion for individual control planes. This allows you to not only control what data is important for Kong to keep, but also manage your overall spending on the Konnect Advanced Analytics app. If you disable analytics for a control plane, the data for that control plane will no longer display as part of the Analytics dashboard.
You can manage your control plane analytics data ingestion by editing an existing control plane and clicking the Advanced Analytics toggle.
May 2024
- Gateway 3.7 Support
- Konnect now supports the latest Kong Gateway release version of 3.7.
- Additionally, the expression router is fully supported in the Konnect. You can now define your routes via expressions, and perform CRUD operations on them.
See the Gateway changelog for all changes in the Kong Gateway release.
- Konnect Konnect Search Enhancements
- The new Kong Konnect search enhancements now allows you to to search across 29 entities in Konnect. The search enhancement is made up of an advanced search syntax coupled with a refreshed search bar in the UI and a Konnect Search API.
For more information, syntax description and use cases, see the Konnect Search API and the Konnect Search Guide.
April 2024
- Dedicated Cloud Gateways
You can now quickly spin up a dedicated AWS cloud gateway data plane node in Konnect. With a dedicated cloud infrastructure, you control the sizing and deployment locations of the gateway infrastructure and Kong manages the operations of individual instances and the cluster for you.
Dedicated Cloud Gateways are the fastest way to configure and create a Kong Gateway in Konnect. All you have to do is specify the security you want to use and pre-warm the cluster while Konnect handles the cluster creation.
Dedicated Cloud Gateways also have the following benefits:
- SOC1 compliant out-of-the-box
- Konnect handles gateway upgrades for you
- Supported on the following AWS regions: Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Ohio, Oregon
For more information, see About Cloud Gateways.
Example of the dedicated cloud gateway dashboard in Gateway Manager. The dashboard displays the total traffic, error rate, and P99 latency. It also displays the top five gateway services and routes by traffic, as well as the plugins and consumers associated with the gateway.
- Improved UI/UX for Plugins
- We are happy to announce that a polished UI/UX experience for plugins is now available to our customers on Konnect. Required configuration settings are now grouped together, and indicated as required on the forms, improved tooltips and default fields are present on plugin forms, and a “most popular” plugins section is now available.
- Integrated Markdown Renderer
- You can now take advantage of an integrated markdown editor for API Products in Konnect. This enhancement simplifies documentation updates by enabling you to edit markdown files directly within Konnect. The Konnect interactive markdown renderer supports:
- Code syntax highlighting for bash, json, go, and js
- Rendering UML diagrams and flowcharts via Mermaid and PlantUML
- Emojis
- PKI Cert Mode Improvements
- Konnect now defaults to PKI Cert mode for CP/DP connections. As a result, you can now specify your own CA certs during the creation of control planes. In addition, you can now upload your own Kong Cluster Cert/Key pairs to sign off using the CA cert that you uploaded, or continue to have Konnect generate Kong Cluster Cert/Key pairs for you.
March 2024
- OAS 3.1 Support
- Konnect and Portal now support OAS 3.1 out of the box. Users can now upload a YAML/JSON version of OAS 3.1 into their API Product version and the specification will be rendered in the spec viewer on both Konnect and Portal. With OAS 3.1, we now support describing the webhooks in your OAS the same way you describe your API paths. The new version of the spec renderer also supports all available theming options as before.
OSS Portal users can also take advantage of this component by upgrading to the latest version of
. - Refined user experience for Control Plane Groups
- We’ve made improvements to refine the end-to-end workflow of Control Plane Groups for our customers. Now, Control Plane Groups are more intuitive, and easier to understand.
- Enhanced error notification
- Customers now have the ability to view detailed error notifications for their data plane directly within Konnect. The enhanced logging feature categorizes errors for improved clarity, distinguishing between configuration errors, transient configuration reload errors, and general exceptions. This update empowers users to diagnose and resolve CP/DP connection issues more efficiently.
- New Analytics Explorer page
- You can now explore and visualize analytics data via an easy to use, point-and-click web interface. The Explorer page allows you to drill-down into data and easily discover how issues may impact your business. For more information, see the Explorer overview.
- Improved Analytics summary dashboard
- A new version of the Analytics summary dashboard is now available for all Konnect users. This new version displays all analytics information on one page, which allows you to focus on your most critical API usage data.
Example of the improved Analytics summary dashboard that displays total traffic, error rate, P99 latency, total traffic over time, latency breakdown over time, and Kong vs upstream latency over time.
February 2024
- Download button added the documents UI
- You can now click the Download button to download the markdown file currently being viewed from the documents UI.
- Additional plugin support for consumer groups
- Along with Kong Gateway 3.6 support in Konnect, additional plugins are now supported for consumer groups.
The following plugins can be applied to consumer groups using the Admin API and the Gateway Manager UI:
- Konnect API Products
- Konnect now supports reusable auth strategies that can be applied to one or more API product versions. Konnect now also supports multiple DCR providers for portal applications. Users can now create separate DCR providers with various Identity Providers and apply them selectively to API Product Versions while still using non-DCR auth strategies for other API product versions. For more information, see Enable app registration with multiple IdPs
If you previously configured application registration, you will see your auth configs saved in a new sidebar section under Dev Portal called Application Auth.
- Enhanced onboarding wizard
- Konnect users can now experience an enhanced onboarding wizard when they sign up for a new Konnect organization. After signing up, you can optionally use the wizard to test a popular Konnect use case: key authentication or rate limiting. This experience starts with a local, Docker-based gateway setup, automatically configures Gateway Manager entities against demo endpoints, and then guides you through a basic workflow that tests gateway functionality.
For more information about how to get started with Konnect, see the Konnect Getting Started overview.
- Autogenerated YAML and JSON configuration files for Konnect
- You can now export configuration of core Gateway Manager objects, like services, routes, and plugins, to YAML or JSON. This allows you to import the file to APIOps tooling, like decK. For more information, see Manage Control Plane Configuration with decK.
January 2024
- Improved Proxy URL experience
- Customers are now able to connect to their gateway proxy APIs by using either the public edge DNS that points to all regions, or the private IPs pointing to specific regions from directly within Konnect.
- Group and filter API request and usage data by consumers
- With Konnect Analytics, you can now breakdown API usage data and individual requests by consumers. This feature extends the existing support for Applications, providing users with a holistic understanding of all APIs and their consumer base, whether internal or external.
In addition, we’ve streamlined the filtering experience. Users can now conveniently input either the name or UUID into the filter dropdown, enhancing the overall usability.
- Improved visibility for Control Planes and Control Plane Groups
- Member control planes in a control plane group now have contextual analytics reporting available. That allows teams that own the configuration of an individual member control plane to better understand traffic towards their services, routes, and consumers.
Additionally, Konnect Analytics custom reporting feature now provides users with the option to select between control planes, control plane groups, and data planes which allows for more granular insights into traffic patterns.
- Gateway Manager
- On the Gateway Manager Overview pages, you can now see the configured consumers and plugins. Consumers are listed in topN order based on their traffic, while plugins are displayed in the order of their configuration.
December 2023
- Konnect in Google Cloud Marketplace
- Kong Konnect is now available for purchase through the Google Cloud (GCP) Marketplace including public and private offers. This allows you to retire your existing GCP Credits through your purchase of Kong Konnect and associated product capabilities.
- Developer-Managed Scopes for Dev Portal
- You can now give your customers more control over third-party application permissions using Auth0 DCR developer-managed scopes for Dev Portal. Developers can now configure unique scopes and permissions for each Auth0 DCR application they create, allowing them to set more fine-grained permissions for each of their target audiences. See Configure Auth0 for Dynamic Client Registration for details.
- Gateway Manager
- Navigation within nested entities has been enhanced. Now, any plugin configured for a service, route, or consumer is directly hyperlinked in the configuration.
November 2023
- Multi-geo support
- Kong Konnect now allows you to host and operate your cloud instance in a geographic region that you specify. This is important for data privacy and regulatory compliance for you organization. Geographic regions allow you to also operate Kong Konnect in a similar geo to your users and their infrastructure applications.
Geos are distinct deployments of Konnect with objects, such as services and consumers, that are geo-specific. Only authentication, billing, and usage is shared between Konnect geos.
Kong Konnect currently supports the following geos:
- AU
- EU
- US
For more information, see Geographic regions.
- Gateway Manager
- The Konnect Gateway Manager has been updated to pull the most accurate data and remain consistent across Konnect.
- Fuzzy filtering is now applied to return more accurate search results on the Konnect Gateway Manager for control planes, gateway services, routes, consumers, and plugins. Fuzzy Filtering is not supported for entities nested within another entity at this time (i.e - Services that belong to a control plane group, routes/plugins from inside a Gateway service, etc.)
- Gateway 3.5 Support
- Konnect now supports the latest Gateway release version of 3.5 including all Konnect-compatible plugins and now supports Azure key vault for Secrets Manager.
- Consumer Groups Enhancements
- Kong Konnect now supports enhancements to consumer groups as a part of the Kong Gateway 3.5 release. Customers can now apply the following plugins directly to consumer groups via the UI:
- Request Transformer
- Request Transformer Advanced
- Response Transformer
- Response Transformer Advanced
- Custom plugins
See the consumer groups documentation to learn more.
October 2023
- Portal Management API
- Konnect portal administrators are now able to integrate portal management operations with their automation systems (such as CI/CD pipelines) by utilizing an officially published, documented, and supported Portal Management API. Approving developer and application requests, configuring appearance settings, and managing custom domain details can all be driven entirely through API automation.
- Combine multiple metrics inside the same custom report
- Konnect users are now able to select multiple metrics in a custom report. This feature allows them to compare multiple metrics of the same category (e.g. latency) within the same report instead of creating multiple reports.
- OIDC Teams for DevPortal
- Konnect portal administrators can now automatically assign Developers to Teams to get the corresponding RBAC permissions based on their Identity Provider groups or claims. This reduces the onboarding experience for new developers and offers a secure and efficient Dev Portal experience for internal and external audiences. For more information, see Add Developer Teams from IdPs.
- PKI Certificates for CP/DP Authentication
- Konnect now supports pinned PKI certs for CP/DP authentication. This means that Konnect supports digital certificates signed by a trusted CA in Konnect for CP/DP authentication.
September 2023
- Custom plugin management
- Konnect now supports self-service custom plugins through the UI and API. You can upload a plugin schema to Konnect and get started with custom plugins in a matter of minutes.
See Kong Gateway Plugins in Konnect to get started.
- Auth0 DCR Configuration Audience Override
- API Product Versions can be each be assigned to a different Auth0 API instance allowing service teams to have more fine grained control over scopes and permissions of their services. See Using Auth0 actions for more details.
- API Requests is now in beta
- Konnect users have now access to a new feature that tracks API requests in near real-time. API Requests provides detailed records for the requests that are made to your APIs. This information can not only help you understand your consumers better, but also simplifies any initial investigation into errors or performance issues by providing an intuitive web experience that is fully integrated into the rest of your Konnect organization.
- Consumption based billing
- New Konnect organizations will benefit from an updated Konnect Plus product tier which includes every product capability available. New accounts are automatically given a month of free credits as part of 30-day trial. For more information review our pricing page.
- Social Login and Org Switcher
- New users can now sign up for and login to Konnect organizations using their social identities from Google and GitHub. Users also have the ability to quickly switch between different Konnect organizations that they own or have been invited to.
- Social Login - Login with social identities has been added as part of the “built-in” authentication scheme in Konnect. Users can use their Google and GitHub credentials to create new organizations and sign in to existing Konnect accounts with a matching email. User invitations may also be accepted via social login.
- Organization Switcher - Users who have been invited to more than one organization will be able witch between orgs via the org switcher. In addition, users who wish to utilize more than one organization may create new organizations via org switcher. All organizations that have associated emails would be accessible to a login to via org switcher.
- Renamed Konnect capabilities
- We have renamed a number of core Konnect capabilities to simplify user understanding:
- Runtime Manager is now Gateway Manager
- Runtime groups are now control planes
- Composite runtime groups are now control plane groups
- Runtime instances are now data plane nodes
- decK command flag:
- decK state file attribute:
- decK command flag:
Authorization logs:
- Gateway Manager redesigns
- The Gateway Manager Landing Page is now updated to nudge customers to create a control plane if none are present. In addition, the control plane creation workflow has been revamped to make it more intuitive and easier to follow.
The Gateway Control Plane Overview page is now updated to present the users all relevant information of a specific control plane. In addition, prompts that nudge users to create their first service, route, plugin, and consumer are presented on the Overview Pages to nudge users to immediately dive into Konnect for the first time.
- Kong Mesh in Konnect
- Kong Mesh joins Kong Gateway and Kong Ingress Controller in Konnect as a generally available control plane that is managed centrally by Konnect’s management plane. This unified API platform allows you to see all configuration management and manage services from Kong Gateway, Kong Ingress Controller, and Kong Mesh in a single location.
Mesh Manager also allows your organization to lower their operational overhead and elevate their developers’ experience by streamlining the operation of Kong Gateways, Kong Ingress Controller, and Kong Mesh with a hosted control plane that can be implemented across any cloud, virtual machine, or on-premises solution.
You can use Mesh Manager to create, modify, and delete mesh global control planes. Mesh global control planes are control planes that are mapped to different environments or business units. Each mesh global control plane maps to a Kubernetes or Linux zone through a process that is similar to adding a control plane for Kong Gateway using Gateway Manager. You can also now identify service meshes, view relevant metadata like meshes and zones, and access a service’s details in Konnect.
Mesh Manager is available now to Enterprise and new Konnect customers:
- Enterprise customers will be able to access Mesh Manager immediately and can contact their sales representative for more information.
- New customers can apply their trial credits towards mesh zones. For more information, see Konnect pricing.
Mesh Manager is not available for existing plus customers. Stay tuned for more information.
August 2023
- Role-based Access Control for developer teams
- Konnect Portal enables administrators with the ability to define Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for teams of developers through the Konnect UI & API. See Manage Dev Portal Teams for more details.
- New organizations new benefit from out of the box, pre-built Analytics reports
- New organizations now benefit from out of the box reports. These reports represent common examples for important KPIs to track while monitoring the success of their APIs. Users are free to modify them and make these reports their own.
- Release announcements in Konnect
- With Makelog integration, you can now see the latest feature and update announcements in the Kong Konnect UI.
- Gateway 3.4 Support
- Konnect now supports the latest Gateway release version of 3.4 including all Konnect-compatible plugins.
- Vault Secret Rotation
- Konnect now supports the rotation of secrets stored in vaults without restarting the gateway. This allows you to securely manage your secrets. For more information, see Set Up and Use a Vault in Konnect.
- Azure for Dynamic Client Registration
- You can now use Azure Active Directory as the identity source for your Dev Portal’s Dynamic Client Registration configuration. This expands Konnect’s existing support, which already includes Okta, Auth0, and Curity. This streamlines developer self-service access to provisioning applications with secure access to published API Products. For more information, see Configuring Azure for Dynamic Client Registration.
- Konnect Analytics display increase from 15 to 50
- In our continuous efforts to optimize your custom reporting experience with Konnect Analytics, we’ve expanded the display limit from 15 to 50, providing a more comprehensive data view. Accompanying this change, we’ve refined our UI with enhanced tooltip functionality. Now, by simply clicking on report content, users can lock a tooltip in place. This feature not only allows for intuitive drag-and-drop repositioning but also enables scrolling within the tooltip to easily access additional data points.
- Konnect consumer groups enhancements
- Konnect now features the same consumer groups enhancements added in the Gateway 3.4 release. Consumer groups are now a core entity. With consumer groups, you can apply different configurations to select groups of consumers. The following plugins can be scoped to consumer groups:
- Rate Limiting Advanced
- Request Transformer Advanced
- Response transformer Advanced
- Request Transformer
- Response Transformer
See the consumer groups documentation to learn more.
July 2023
- API Products API released
- A new Konnect API for managing API products and versions is now available for external consumption. This API allows you to create and manage API products and versions, upload documentation and specs, and link a version to an existing Gateway service to enable application registration. As a result, you can integrate this API into your automated pipeline to streamline publishing documentation for your products to your third-party developers. Explore the API spec on our Developer Portal
- API Products
- Introducing a new Service Hub module, API Products, where technical & non-technical audiences can document their services, link to Gateway services for application registration, and publish API Products to a Developer Portal for consumption. Existing Konnect customers will find that their services in the Service Hub have been seamlessly moved to the new API Products UI & API experience.
Note: Tagging your Gateway services with
doesn’t automatically create an API product and API product version. - Composite runtime groups
- Konnect now supports composite runtime groups, which enable users to leverage shared infrastructure across multiple teams in a secure, compliant fashion. With composite runtime groups, organizations can reduce infrastructure costs while providing the appropriate access to teams through RBAC.
Learn more about composite runtime groups:
- Analytics for composite runtime groups
- Custom reports now support grouping and filtering by composite runtime group.
- Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes in Konnect
- The read-only Ingress Controller association with Konnect is now GA and can be deployed in a production environment. This release also includes the following features:
- Konnect now manages license and entitlement for KIC-managed Gateways so that you don’t need to worry about license management. There is a seamless upgrade path available if you want to move from the OSS experience to the Enterprise experience.
- Konnect now supports analytics for KIC runtime groups. You can get detailed visibility into your K8 native managed Gateways on the Konnect platform.
- Identity Management and Audit Log Roles
- Introducing two new administrative roles in Konnect,
Identity Management
andAudit Logs Setting
Identity Management
- access to users, teams, system accounts, tokens, IdP configurations, and authentication settings. -
Audit Logs Setting
- access to configuring webhooks to receive region-specific audit logs and to trigger audit log replays.
These roles provide finer control over administrative capabilities inline with least privilege principles.
June 2023
- Contextual Developer Analytics
- Kong Konnect launches new contextual analytics information for third-party developers inside the Dev Portal. Developers can now use that information to not only optimize but also keep on eye on their applications usage and therefore understand the interaction between them and the providers APIs.
- Self-hosted, open source Dev Portal
- You can now self-host an open-source Dev Portal on the hosting provider of your choice. Kong provides an example application you can use for an out-of-the-box experience with a self-hosted Dev Portal. You can also customize the self-hosted portal using the Portal Management and Portal APIs, and the Portal SDK. For more information, see About Self-Hosted Dev Portal.
- Portal Client API
- Konnect now supports customers’ integration with Dev Portal workflows via public APIs. For more information, see the Portal Client API spec.
- Audit logging
- Konnect now provides audit logging capability, designed to enhance the security, compliance, debugging and risk management of your core infrastructure. You can send audit logs directly to a webhook enabling seamless integration with your SIEM services, and resend audit log entries through replay jobs. For more information, see the documentation for Audit Logging.
- OIDC Configuration API
- Enterprise orgs using OIDC login can now specify additional scopes to be requested during the authorization grant flow. This allows organizations to request custom claims from their IdP. The custom claims can then be used to override the default mapping for the
attributes which are used during the login flow. For example, theupn
scope may be required to retrieve theuserPrincipalName
claim from Azure which can then be mapped toemail
attribute in Konnect.
May 2023
- Gateway 3.3 Support
- Konnect now supports the latest Gateway release version of 3.3 including all Konnect-compatible plugins.
April 2023
- Metadata for runtime instance certificates
- Kong Konnect now supports metadata for runtime instance certificates. You can now see expiry date and updated date from a certificate’s information page.
- Allow filtering of runtime instances based on connection status
- Runtime administrators can now filter runtime instances based on connection statuses
, orall
. - My Account
- Kong Konnect now includes a My Account feature. Here, users can easily edit their personal information, change their password, and manage their account. My Account is available by selecting your user icon in the top-right corner of the Kong Konnect manager and selecting My Account.
- Navigation updates
- Kong Konnect received a new navigation and layout update designed to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. With this update, you will find the Region Switcher has moved to the bottom-left corner of the Kong Konnect manager closer to region-specific features.
- Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF) in Kong Konnect
- Kong’s privacy policy now includes the request process for removing personal information, also known as the right to be forgotten. You can also find a link to the policy in Kong Konnect under My Account.
- Version picker in Runtime Manager Quickstart
- Konnect now allows users to select the Kong Gateway version that they want for their Quickstart scripts (except for cloud provider quickstart scripts for AWS, Azure and GCP). This allows you to leverage official Konnect scripts to start your gateways while reducing the number of errors due to an invalid script for a certain Kong Gateway version. For more information, see Supported Installation Options.
- GraphQL plugins
- Konnect now supports the the following GraphQL plugins:
- DeGraphQL: Transform a GraphQL upstream into a traditional endpoint by mapping URIs into GraphQL queries.
- GraphQL Rate Limiting Advanced: Rate limit GraphQL requests.
- Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes in Konnect
- Konnect now allows customers to associate an Ingress Controller with Konnect in a read-only fashion. This feature is released as beta and should not be deployed in a production environment.
March 2023
- Reports V2
- Kong Konnect users now have access to a new user interface for our custom reports feature within Konnect Analytics. The new interface not only makes creating reports easier but it also provides new capabilities such as a preview and a more advanced filtering experience. For more information, see these new report use cases.
- Enriched documentation experience for service packages
- Kong Konnect users can now publish contextual documentation as multiple markdown files in the Service Hub and render in the Dev Portal, so that developers can see different material more clearly. For example, release notes can now be published separately from deployment workflows.
- Enhanced Service Hub experience
- The Service Hub user experience is now more intuitive, helpful, and impressive as the primary Service catalog for application developers and API product owners. We’ve optimized descriptions, placement of information, and rendering of data to include markdown files and API specs.
February 2023
- Support for Gateway 3.2.x features
- Kong Konnect now supports the following features released in Kong Gateway
- Asymmetric Key Storage: Keys and key sets can now be configured in Runtime Manager.
Optional plugin config field: Every plugin now supports the optional
- System accounts
- Organizations now have access to system accounts which can be created without a verified email address. This allows a system account to be used as part of an automation or integration that is not associated with any person’s identity.
- Multiple authentication methods for Dynamic Client Registration
- Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) now supports multiple authentication methods, including client credentials, bearer tokens, and session cookies.
- OAS Validation plugin support
- Kong Konnect now supports the OAS Validation plugin. This plugin allows you to validate HTTP requests and responses based on an API specification. For more information, see the OAS Validation plugin documentation.
- Dev Portal RBAC via the API
- You can now perform Dev Portal RBAC operations using the Kong Konnect API. This allows you to assign the following roles to Dev Portal developers:
- API viewer: Allows the Dev Portal developer to view the documentation of services.
- API consumer: Allows the Dev Portal developer to register their applications with the consumer services.
For more information, see Portal RBAC Setup and the Portal RBAC API documentation.
January 2023
- Dynamic plugin ordering using the UI
- You can now configure dynamic plugin ordering using the Konnect user interface. Dynamic plugin ordering allows you to override the default static plugin execution order by choosing which plugins run before or after another plugin.
Known limitation: The control plane can’t evaluate any conflicts in the dynamic ordering. If there are any conflicts in the defined order of plugin execution, you will only know during execution via the dataplane logs.
For more information, see Plugin Ordering Reference.
- Consumer groups
- Konnect now supports configure consumer groups to enable tier-based API consumption via the Konnect user interface. Consumer groups work with the Rate Limiting Advanced plugin to allow you to manage custom rate limiting configurations for subsets of consumers. With consumer groups, you can define any number of rate limiting tiers and apply them to subsets of consumers instead of managing each consumer individually. Consumer groups are also supported through decK.
Known limitation: There is a rate limiting advanced plugin bug for local strategy where the number of remaining requests resets after every couple of seconds. You can use the Redis strategy as a workaround or if you want to test with local strategy, you can use Kong Gateway version
For more information, see Create Consumer Groups in Konnect.
- Auth0 support for Dynamic Client Registration
- Auth0 is now available as an identity provider for Dynamic Client Registration (DCR).
Known limitation: Unlike other DCR providers, Auth0 requires specifying audience, which represents an independent token recipient. Multiple applications can be mapped to one Audience API within auth0 and share the same permissions accordingly. Currently, our OIDC plugin can only support single audience for this release. We will consider adding support for multiple audiences in the future iteration.
- Simplified docker script for creating Runtime Instances
- Konnect now supports a simplified docker script to create a new runtime instance as well as in the QuickStart which makes it easier to create runtime instances. Instead of downloading a script from github, customers can now use a simple docker run command. This decrease the time and effort taken by customers to launch a Kong Gateway and improves security during runtime instance creation. Runtime Manager also supports simple copy buttons inside the code block components to make it easy for users to copy!
- Curity support for Dynamic Client Registration (GA)
- Curity is now available as an identity provider for Dynamic Client Registration (DCR).
December 2022
- Curity support for Dynamic Client Registration (beta)
- Curity is now in beta release as an identity provider for Dynamic Client Registration (DCR).
- Secrets management using vaults
- Konnect now supports storing sensitive values in a vault
with any of the following backends:
- Environment variables
- AWS Secrets Manager
- HashiCorp Vault
- GCP Secret Manager
- See the vaults documentation to get started.
- App Registration Enhancement
- Konnect now supports editing the app registration configuration while the app registration is still active.
- Runtime Groups Configuration API
- Konnect APIs for runtime group configuration are now available for external consumption. This set of APIs allow organizations to create and manage kong gateway entities and CP/DP certificates. As a result, customers can leverage our APIs to provision runtime groups in their automated pipelines or platform infrastructure while managing data plane connections.
- New Kong Konnect Analytics custom report chart types and metrics
- You can now choose between different chart types when creating custom reports. This feature allows you to better understand traffic patterns, user behavior, or trends over time.
The new additions include:
- New chart types: You can now select between either horizontal or vertical bar charts, as well as line charts.
- New metrics: You can now measure requests per minute, response latency, response size, and request size as percentiles.
- New time selector: Allows you to use relative time periods, which can help you avoid manually adjusting your reports for weekly reports.
For more information, see Generate Reports.
- Konnect Overview & Service Wizard
- Konnect admins now have an Overview page which offers a high-level summary of their entire Konnect platform, news updates, and learning opportunities. In addition, we’ve added a new Service Wizard to walk admins through the end-to-end process of setting up a Service Package & Service Version, configuring a Kong Gateway, uploading documentation, and publishing a Service to the developer portal.
- Kong Gateway 3.1 support
- Konnect users can now use Kong Gateway 3.1 with Konnect. This allows Konnect users to access the new capabilities and improvements added to Kong Gateway 3.1 core platforms.
- Support for all Kong Gateway 3.1 plugins
- Konnect users can now take advantage of the the entire plugin suite offered alongside Kong Gateway 3.1. For more information about the available plugins. review our compatibility documentation.
- Runtime Groups API
- Konnect APIs for runtime groups are now available for external consumption. This set of APIs allow organizations to create and manage runtime groups and manage CP/DP certificates. View API documentation.
November 2022
- Application registration support in any runtime group
- Konnect now officially supports app registration to services in both default and non-default runtime groups. Portal developers can register their applications to consume services proxied through gateway services in both default and non-default runtime groups.
Currently, this feature is only available for services being proxied through Kong Gateway or later.
- Dev portal Dynamic Client Registration
As part of this release, we have improved the UI for DCR to provide a more polished experience for users.
- Certificate management functionality added to the Kong Konnect runtime manager
- Konnect now allows customers to handle the complexity of creating, storing, and organizing certificates needed for runtime instances connected to runtime groups in Konnect. This reduces operational complexity for customers while ensuring that security is not compromised.
- New Analytics predefined teams
- Konnect now allows you to add users to the Analytics Viewer and Analytics Admin teams. These teams allow you to give users access to only the Analytics section in Konnect. With this release, individual users don’t have to be Organization Admins anymore to access all the Analytics capabilities.
Konnect now includes the following predefined Analytics teams:
- Analytics Admin: Users can fully manage all Analytics content, which includes creating, editing, and deleting reports, as well as viewing the analytics summary.
- Analytics Viewer: Users can only view the analytics summary and report data.
For more information, see Teams Reference.
- Migration to cloud.konghq.com is completed
- All active accounts have been migrated from
to cloud.konghq.com. The deprecated environment atkonnect.konghq.com
is no longer available. - Multiple runtime groups
- All the runtime groups in Konnect, including default and non-default runtime groups, are eligible for application registration.
- Editing the default runtime group
- You can now edit the name of the default runtime group. The group still retains its status as the default group, and can’t be deleted.
- Konnect APIs for identity management
- Konnect APIs for identity management are now available for external consumption. This set of APIs allow organizations to manage users, teams, team memberships, team mappings and role assignments. As a result, customers can leverage our APIs to build custom integrations with their identity provider or ERP systems to manage their users and user’s access to Konnect. IdP API documentation
October 2022
- Dynamic client registration
- Dynamic client registration with Okta is now in public beta. Test it out yourself!
- Latency reporting
- The Analytics dashboard now includes a latency tab, which lets you track request latency for the P50, P95, and P99 percentiles. P99 latency data also appears in runtime groups and on service overview pages in the Service Hub.
This feature is available for runtime instances running Kong Gateway or later.
September 2022
- Analytics custom reports
- Analytics custom reports are now generally available in Kong Konnect. This release focuses on stability and minor usability improvements.
Custom reporting provides more data insights by allowing you to view data details and export data into a CSV file.
- Runtime groups dashboard
- In Kong Konnect, you now have insights into your runtime groups usage across all and individual runtime instances. These insights help platform owners to understand the health and performance of each runtime group, which often reflects individual business units in a more federated organization.
- Custom plugin instantiation
- Kong Konnect now allows you to discover, configure, and apply Kong approved custom plugins to your control planes directly through the plugin hub in Runtime Manager. You can do this by submitting your custom plugin schemas for approval through the CRE teams. This allows you to expand Kong’s functionality in your environment by using custom plugins, while reducing the operational overhead of working with your CRE teams to discover, configure, and apply custom plugins.
- Launch runtimes directly in a cloud provider
- You can now create runtime instances in Azure and AWS directly through Kong Konnect. This simplifies the operational process for creating the runtime instance in your private cloud for AWS and Azure.
- Support for multiple versions of runtime instances
- Kong Konnect now supports running multiple runtime instances versions at the same time with the same control plane configuration. This makes it easier for you to test and validate new runtime instance versions, such as patch, minor, and major upgrades. This release includes a new user interface that provides information about which runtime instances are incompatible with the current gateway configuration and provides actionable insights into the corrective steps to fix the issue.
- Quick start for new Kong Konnect org admins
- Kong Konnect now includes an optional quick start that automatically creates a runtime group, service package, and gateway service, applies the CORS plugin, and shows analytics for that service with the click of a button. You can use the quick start to become familiar with the different aspects of Kong Konnect via text and call-outs to key documentation throughout the onboarding process.
- Organization Admin (Read Only) predefined team
- A new predefined team has been introduced in Kong Konnect. This team allows you to grant users read-only access to all features and functions in Kong Konnect. As always, permissions are additive, so a user in the Organization Admin (Read Only) team may also have write access to various features if they are assigned additional permissions.
- Multi-runtime group app registration support
- You can now enable app registration to services in all runtime groups. This feature only supports versions in the non-default runtime group that use Kong Gateway 3.0.
As part of this release, API key credentials are no longer stored in the Dev Portal. Portal developers will need to store their credentials immediately after creation.
- Dynamic client registration
- Kong Konnect Dev Portal supports integration with Okta for end-to-end client management. This feature is released as a private beta. This feature allows Dev Portal developers to automatically create applications in Okta and receive credentials to access services proxied through Kong Gateway.
- Service version lifecycle
- You can identify the lifecycle stage of your APIs and notify Dev Portal developers if a particular API will be deprecated soon.
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.8.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features, updates, and bug fixes.
With this major release, Kong Gateway introduces many new features, including:
- Five new plugins, including WebSocket validation support, TLS connection customization, and OpenTelemetry
- A new expression-based router
- Dynamic plugin ordering through declarative configuration
- Slim and UBI Docker images and much more.
- is a major release. This means that it contains breaking changes and incompatibilities with 2.x versions. Review the list of breaking changes before upgrading to 3.0.
- In particular, note the following:
Changes to regex route path format: 3.0 has a new router. To make sure your existing routes work in 3.0, add a
to any regex routes. Learn more in the route configuration guide. - Limitations (Konnect only): Secrets management and consumer groups are not yet supported in Kong Konnect.
Changes to regex route path format: 3.0 has a new router. To make sure your existing routes work in 3.0, add a
For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway, see the changelog.
To use any new features in the release, start up a new runtime.
August 2022
- Generic OIDC
Konnect launches generic OIDC support to allow Single-Sign-On (SSO) for platform login. Customers now have the ability to configure a separate OIDC-compliant Identity Provider (IdP) for Konnect. Generic OIDC is an Enterprise feature.
- Personal Access Tokens
Konnect users can now generate personal access tokens (PATs). PATs are used as an alternative method of authentication for decK commands avoiding the need to use traditional username and passwords.
- AWS Marketplace Listing
Konnect Enterprise can now be purchased through the AWS Marketplace or via private contract with your Amazon Web Services account team. This greatly simplifies the procurement process for existing AWS customers.
- DevPortal Custom Domain Progress Indicator
We’ve added an in interactive checklist when configuring a custom domain for your developer portal. There is now an indicator to help understand if your DNS changes have propagated, and when the SSL certificate has been generated by Konnect.
- Download option to all reports
We have introduced an “Export” option to all reports inside the overview page in Vitals. Exporting a report downloads an unpivoted CSV to your local machine that can be used for offline analysis.
July 2022
- New environment for Konnect
Konnect is now available at cloud.konghq.com, which replaces the
environment. The environment atkonnect.konghq.com
will no longer receive any updates, and will be deprecated in the near future. -
Existing organizations will be automatically upgraded to the new Konnect environment over the next 4-6 weeks. We will be contacting your organization administrator with more details on the upgrade process.
You can continue using your
account and wait until we migrate it, or create a new account and manually migrate configuration to the new account. -
The minimum supported Kong Gateway version for this environment is
- Runtime groups
- Konnect now manages all runtime configuration through runtime groups, which provide the ability to securely isolate configuration for sets of runtime instances. Essentially, this gives you access to multiple SaaS-managed control planes in one Konnect organization.
Every organization starts with one
runtime group. Additional custom runtime groups are an enterprise-only feature. -
Learn more about runtime groups and managing them through the Runtime Manager, or manage runtime groups with decK.
With runtime groups come a few other changes to runtime management for all organizations:
- Certificate rotation and management:
- When setting up runtime instances through the Konnect UI, certificates are generated in the browser and pushed to the Konnect API.
- Konnect no longer requires CA certificates for runtime instances.
- The validity period for runtime instance certificates has been extended from six months to ten years.
- Reworked Gateway configuration UI:
- The Shared Config menu is now part of Runtime Manager. Manage your Gateway services, routes, plugins, upstreams, SNIs, and certificates through a runtime group, alongside all of the runtime instances in that group.
- You can use labels for categorizing runtime groups. Labels are key:value pairs, and are helpful for organizing, searching, and filtering subsets of Konnect entities.
- Certificate rotation and management:
- Teams and roles
- You can now manage Konnect authorization with teams and roles. Existing RBAC roles have been converted to predefined teams, which are available for all Konnect organizations.
To manage user access, invite users to Konnect and add them to teams, or assign individual roles to a user.
With a Konnect Enterprise subscription, you can also create custom teams and assign per-entity permissions for each team.
- Declarative configuration management support with decK
- As of decK 1.12, standard decK commands such as
, anddump
support Konnect runtime groups. - Learn how to use decK with Konnect:
- Get started with decK and Konnect
Import Kong Gateway or
configuration intocloud.konqhq.com
- Manage runtime groups with decK
- Tags for Konnect services
- You can now connect Konnect services to Gateway services with the
tag. - Konnect UI/UX redesign
- The Konnect UI now has reworked navigation, refreshed colors and styles, and a focus on consistent interactions throughout the application.
Navigation redesign details:
- Services is renamed to Service Hub
- Runtimes is renamed to Runtime Manager
- Shared Config is now part of Runtime Manager
- Dev Portal settings have moved from the general settings page to the Dev Portal section
- Refreshed iconography for the main menu
- Dev Portal default theme
- The Dev Portal now comes with a new default theme: “Mint Rocket”.
- Dev Portal SSO support with your own IdP
- You can now configure custom identity providers (IdPs) for the Dev Portal.
- See the SSO documentation for more information.
- Simplified custom Dev Portal URL setup
- SSL certificate generation for custom URLs is now handled by Konnect.
To set up a custom URL, see the Dev Portal customization documentation for more information.
- Vitals metrics and dashboards
- The Vitals overview dashboard has been reworked for Plus and Enterprise tiers. The dashboard now provides metrics for services cataloged by Service Hub within a selected time interval. You can view a graph for each category by clicking Traffic or Errors, and switching between the two views. Each graph is filterable by time frame.
In the Service Hub, graphs for services and routes now show data up to the last 30 days.
- Vitals custom reports
Vitals custom reports are now available for Plus and Enterprise tiers. Through the Vitals menu, you can create custom reports to track API requests for services, routes, and applications.
See the custom reports documentation for more information.
- Custom plugin requirements have changed
- Some custom plugin limitations have changed or been removed. See the latest requirements in the plugin documentation.
Custom plugins can’t be added directly through the Kong Konnect application. If you have a custom plugin you want to use in Konnect, contact Kong Support.
- Refactored documentation
- The Konnect documentation has been refactored to match the new Konnect navigation, and generally reworked to provide a better experience for Konnect users. Let us know what you think via team-docs@konghq.com!
- Known issues/limitations
- The
environment has the following restrictions:- Application registration through Dev Portal can only be used with the default runtime group. This restriction will be removed in a future update to Konnect.
- The following plugins are not supported:
- OAuth2 Authentication
- Apache OpenWhisk
- Vault Auth
- DeGraphQL
- GraphQL Rate Limiting Advanced
- Key Authentication Encrypted
- decK does not support authenticating against Runtime Groups when single sign-on (SSO) is enabled.
March 2022
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.7.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features, updates, and bug fixes.
For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway 2.8.x, see the changelog.
To use any new features in the release, start up a new runtime.
January 2022
- Custom Domain for Dev Portal
- You can now set a custom domain for your Dev Portal through the Kong Konnect Admin UI.
See the documentation: Add a Custom Domain.
- Headers are modifiable
- You can now set a welcome message and primary header through the Admin UI for your Dev Portal.
December 2021
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.6.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features, updates, and bug fixes.
For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway 2.7.x, see the changelog.
To use any new features in the release, start up a new runtime.
November 2021
- Single-sign on (SSO) with Okta
- Kong Konnect now supports single sign-on (SSO) access through Okta with OpenID Connect.
See the guide on Setting up SSO with Okta for more information.
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.5.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features, updates, and bug fixes.
- This release introduces the new jq plugin. It also
adds new features and improvements to a long list of plugins, including:
- Kafka Log and Kafka Upstream: Support for TLS, mTLS, and SASL auth
Prometheus: Introduces the
metric, letting you keep an eye on the status of you data plane certificates -
Request Termination: Introduces the
configuration option, which tells the plugin to activate only on specific headers or query parameters
To use any new features in the release and gain access to the jq plugin, start up a new runtime.
For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway 2.6.x, see the changelog.
- Tags for auth plugins created by application registration
- When you enable application registration on a Service,
Kong Konnect enables two plugins automatically: ACL, and one of Key
Authentication or OIDC. These plugins cannot be edited or deleted directly. To
help differentiate the Konnect-managed plugins and avoid breaking your service,
Konnect now adds two metadata tags for declarative configuration:
August 2021
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.4.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features, updates, and bug fixes.
- This release includes event hook support, improvements to CP-DP communication, new configuration options in plugins, and more.
- For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway 2.5.x, see the changelog.
June 2021
- Global plugin support
- You can now configure global plugins through Kong Konnect. Visit the Shared Config page and select the Plugin menu option to get started.
- Kong Gateway support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway runtimes. You can keep using existing 2.3.x runtimes, or you can upgrade to to take advantage of any new features.
- The release includes two new plugins: OPA and Mocking. To use these plugins, and any other features newly introduced in this release, start up a new runtime.
- For all the changes and new features in Kong Gateway 2.4.x, see the changelog.
- More plugins available in Kong Konnect
- The following plugins are now available:
Free tier
Pre-function (
) -
Post-function (
) - Datadog
- Zipkin
- Request Size Limiting
- Request Transformer
Pre-function (
- Plus tier
- Enterprise tier
Free tier
- Default strategy/policy for rate limiting plugins
- The rate limiting plugins now default to
as the rate limiting strategy or policy. This setting allows cluster-wide rate limiting using a Redis server. To store counters in-memory on each node, change this setting tolocal
. -
config strategy/policy is not supported in Kong Konnect, and does not appear as an option in the plugin configuration anymore. -
To find the setting based on the rate limiting plugin, see:
: -
- Sorting the runtime status table
- You can now sort the runtime status table in Runtime Manager by the Last Seen or Sync Status columns.
May 2021
- Certificate expiration limit extended
- The validity period for runtime certificates has been extended from 30 days to six months.
To take advantage of the new validity period, bring up new data planes through the Runtime Manager. For existing instances, generate new certificates.
- Konnect Plus is launched!
- Konnect introduces a
new plan tier system for subscriptions.
- Kong Konnect Free: Basic features and plugins with a cloud control plane.
- Kong Konnect Plus: A pay-as-you-go, credit card-based option that provides a simple way for developers or operators on small teams to quickly start using the services they need right now.
- Kong Konnect Enterprise: For organizations that want to manage all services across their entire organization. Konnect Enterprise provides connectivity with enterprise-grade security, scalability, and observability across any cloud, platform, and protocol to help teams build powerful digital services and experiences.
If you already have a Konnect or Kong Gateway Enterprise account and license, this license will roll over seamlessly into the new Konnect Enterprise tier.
- Konnect Plus free trials
- When you sign up for a Konnect account, you are automatically enrolled into a 30-day Konnect Plus free trial. You don’t need to provide a credit card or any info beyond the account registration. At the end of the trial, you’ll have the choice to keep the account at the Plus tier or downgrade to Free.
- Billing and plan management
- You can now manage your plan subscription for Free and Plus plan tiers directly from the app. Konnect now includes a Stripe integration, and the process is fully self-serve: choose your plan, add a card, make payments, all through the Konnect app and billing portal.
- Self-serve account registration
- You can now sign up for a Konnect account without an access code. No more reaching out to Kong support or sales for access – just go
to https://cloud.konghq.com and try it out!
- Runtime setup improvements
- Runtime setup for Linux and Kubernetes environments has improved. When you configure a new runtime, instead of one Advanced tab, the Runtime Manager now has Linux and Kubernetes tabs. Choose the tab that fits your environment and copy the configuration parameters directly.
Known issues with the Kubernetes tab:
parameters are in the wrong format and point to a non-existent image. Substitute them with the following:image: repository: kong/kong-gateway tag: ""
is missing a space between the parameter and the value. Add a space to fix the formatting:cluster_telemetry_endpoint: <your-instance-name>.tp.konnect.konghq.com:443
March 2021
- Runtime setup improvement
- Quick setup just got a little bit faster. When configuring a new runtime through the Runtime Manager, HTTPie is no longer required for the quick setup script.
February 2021
- Kong Gateway 2.3 support
- Kong Konnect now supports Kong Gateway 2.3 runtimes. There is no upgrade path for existing runtimes.
- To use Kong Gateway 2.3, re-provision a new runtime.
- Advanced runtime configuration
- You can now configure custom Kong Gateway data planes through the Runtime Manager and run gateway instances outside of Docker.
- Logging plugins
- The full set of Kong Gateway’s logging plugins is now available through Kong Konnect. This includes:
- Portal authentication
- You can now disable authentication on a Dev Portal, which exposes the Dev Portal publicly to anyone with the link. No one needs to register for Dev Portal access.
- New application registrations aren’t available through a public-facing portal.
- Kong Konnect (Konnect) is now generally available!
To get started with Konnect, see the Quickstart Guide.
For more information about Konnect, contact your Kong sales representative.